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President Facts
Here are some interesting facts about the Presidents of the United States of America.
President Fact Lists
Here are 11 interesting facts about president George W. Bush
Here are some interesting facts about president Barack Obama
Find out some crazy facts about President George Washington.
Learn some interesting facts about Theodore Roosevelt and his life.
Check out this list of surprising facts about Thomas Jefferson.
Learn more about President Lyndon B. Johnson with these shocking facts.
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Theodore Roosevelt died in New York on January 6, 1919.
Theodore Roosevelt's family owned a successful plate-glass import business.
Theodore Roosevelt did not like the nickname "Teddy" his family called him "Teedy".
Theodore Roosevelt was homeschooled because of his illnesses and asthma.
Theodore Roosevelt had a passion for animals.
Theodore Roosevelt's father encouraged him to developed a rigorous physical routine that included weightlifting and boxing.
Due to Theodore Roosevelt's grief from his father passing away, after graduating magna cum laude in 1880, he enrolled at Columbia Law School to work even harder.
Theodore Roosevelt got married to Alice Hathaway Lee of Massachusetts.
Theodore Roosevelt didn't stay long at law school, instead, he joined the New York State Assembly as a representative from New York City, he was the youngest to serve in that position.
Theodore Roosevelt's wife died of Bright's disease, two days after giving birth to their daughter Alice.
Theodore Roosevelt's wife and mother both died on the exact same day, due to different illnesses.
Due to Theodore Roosevelt being a war hero, and nominated for the Medal of Honor, Roosevelt was elected governor of New York in 1898.
Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743, in Shadwell, Virginia.
Thomas Jefferson was a draftsman of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Jefferson was the nation's first secretary of state (1789-94).
Thomas Jefferson was second vice president (1797-1801).
Thomas Jefferson was the third president (1801-09).
President Thomas Jefferson was statesman responsible for the Louisiana Purchase.
Only two of Thomas Jefferson's children lived into adulthood.
Jane Randolph Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson's mother, was a member of the proud Randolph clan, who was a family claiming to be descents from English and Scottish royalty.
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